Language defines those that use it.
Language is
a major component of identity and a cultural determinant.
Our individual use of
language is a combination of the legacy we inherit from our ancestors and the
communities that we inhabit today.
Our group use of language marks our groups
and territories in a war-like manner, saying 'this is who we are (as we see
us), this is who you are (as we see you)'.
and stones
may break my
bones but names will
never hurt me – a childhood lie
that does not die because language
small words and large systems that
grow into huge
pervasive organisms of destruction
and discrimination. The
pyramid of falsehood will continue to grow and
the foundation will
widen under the pressure of the lie
that is not challenged or made to die.
Marjorie Morgan Ó June 07
surfaced during the slave trade: the idea of white superiority and inequality
was encouraged by slavery. Negative
stereotypes and offensive language were used to support the idea of African
inferiority in the world.
This legacy still exists today.